Finding healthcare providers in the Netherlands
The websites on this page are to guide you if you are looking for a hospital, a clinic, or possibly, a GP or a dentist in the Netherlands.
Finding a hospital or a doctor
The following websites will guide you in finding a search engine for healthcare providers (e.g., a hospital, a doctor or a dentist) in the Netherlands:
- kiesBeter (only in Dutch);
- Zorgkaart Nederland (Health Care Map Netherlands) (only in Dutch); and
- Find a dentist (only in Dutch).
Independent treatment centres
Apart from hospitals, there are also independent treatment centres (Zelfstandige behandelcentra - ZBCs) in the Netherlands. These are independent (private) clinics that provide medical and specialist healthcare. This may also be healthcare that is not reimbursed from the statutory health insurance (such as certain cosmetic procedures). Independent treatment centres are smaller than hospitals and often have shorter or no waiting times. The organisation Independent Clinics Netherlands (ZKN) ensures that the quality of independent treatment centres that are affiliated to ZKN is good.
More information can be found on the website of ZKN (only in Dutch).
Centres of expertise for rare diseases
For the treatment of rare diseases there are a number of centres of expertise in the Netherlands. Centres of expertise are hospitals where they know a lot about a particular rare disease. On the Orphanet website, you'll find designated centres of expertise not only in the Netherlands, but also in other countries.
European Reference Networks
European Reference Networks (ERNs) are virtual networks of healthcare providers in Europe. These networks work together to treat complex or rare diseases. These diseases require highly specialised treatments and pooling of knowledge and resources. For a number of diseases there are already ERNs, for example for bone diseases, blood diseases and skin disorders. More ERNs will be established in the course of time. On the website of the European Commission you'll find extensive information and a list of ERNs.
The European Commission has also produced a flyer. This flyer briefly explains what ERNs are and how they can help you.You’ll find this flyer on the right-hand side of this page under “Documents”.
Which healthcare providers are allowed to treat you?
In the Netherlands, all individual healthcare providers (such as doctors, dentists and nurses) are in a central register. That’s the so-called BIG-register. The data is public. So you can see for yourself whether the healthcare provider of your choice is allowed to work in the Netherlands.
Would you like to know if an institution (such as a hospital or treatment centre) in the Netherlands is allowed to provide medical care? Please check the website of CIBG on the registration of healthcare providers (only in Dutch).
What treatments is a healthcare provider allowed to perform?
Patients may be at high risk receiving medical treatment from healthcare providers who are not allowed to exercise their profession. The Dutch law therefore determines which medical practices may be carried out by the various medical professions (such as doctors, dentists, nurses). More information you'll find on the website of the Rijksoverheid (only in Dutch).